Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Consumer Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Shopper Protection - Essay Example So as to manage obstructions in gets, the administration must meddle with free agreements in a negative way that to most of residents it would appear to be sure. As indicated by Green, the legislature had expected boundless forces of intercession (Gerven, Stuyck and Wouters 2001). As per Green’s proclamation, not resident ought to be compelled to enter in to an agreement that is without wanting to. Green accentuates on the need of the administration to mediate since it is ready to keep catastrophes from occurring. As per Green, the administration ought to advance and shield social, monetary and worlds of politics with the goal that people can act unreservedly as indicated by their will (Howells 2010). Be that as it may, the administration ought not unreasonably intercede in the shopper contracts since it might diminish the capacity of people to act as per the still, small voice along these lines hindering financial development and improvement. The legislature should intercede in issues that imperil the buyer rights and freedoms (Jones and Hutter 2011). As per Green, the State has an official conclusion in choosing how the ventures ought to be managed so as to shield the privileges of the buyers (Howells and Weatherill 2005). ... The legislature additionally secures the purchasers through guidelines on data dispersal that target curing the high market exchanges expenses and market bends (Hancher 1990). The administration additionally secures the privileges of buyers on the gauges of administrations offered by specialist organizations like the clinical administrations, protection administrations and banking administrations. The legislature has an obligation to secure the government assistance of buyers in contracts, buyers rights are ensured during insolvency procedures (Gunning, Holm and Kenway 2009). There are various laws that ensure shopper interests in the UK. For example, the opposition Act 1998 denies organizations from taking part in against serious understandings over the span of their business activities (Goldring 1998). A portion of the counter serious practices that have been prohibited are value fixing, understandings to decrease the volume of creation, cut up business sectors and client separatio n by charging various costs when contrast of gracefully doesn't exist. The Act forbids the organizations from utilization of prevailing business sector power, similar to 40 percent piece of the pie to force out of line exchanging practices to the purchasers or to decrease providing to the current clients with no legitimate reasons. Punishments for hostile to serious practices run from 10 percent of the organization turnover to preclusion of the business chiefs (Turner and Martin 2005). In the UK, various Acts of Parliament have delineated the obligations of dealers to purchasers. All the exchanges between the purchaser and merchant are represented by an agreement. As per the Sale of Goods Act of 1979, the merchandise sold must hold fast to the depiction gave to the purchaser.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Morality Of Science Essays - English-language Films, Free Essays

The Morality Of Science Essays - English-language Films, Free Essays The Morality Of Science The Morality of Science Lesley Hubbard June 14, 2000 There are two equal stories in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, one of endeavoring to find the mystery of life and the other of driving nature to open her privileged insights to man (Neal). This epic can be looked by consolidating those two stories into a topic of the researcher who tries to play God and what befalls him in his mission to make life from death. When taking a gander at the book in such manner, the peruser finds the risks inborn in opposing the regular request, (Neal) and the potential results of logical revelation. Victor Frankenstein, intrigued with logical investigation in the physical world, left upon a trial that eternity transformed him and that of his loved ones. During his investigations from home, Victor stupidly concludes that he will play God. I will pioneer once more way, investigate obscure powers, and unfurl to the world the most profound puzzles of creation (Shelly p. 47). What lies behind Frankensteins logical tasks is clearly an endeavor to pick up power (Damyanov). Victor commits himself to his errand of making life from death for a time of two years without once thinking about the ramifications of the consequence of his examination. Neglectful Victor worked in no security controls, no gadget to guarantee that solitary great activities would be performed (Neal). Shelley cautions us of the perilous division between the force looking for practices of science and the worries of humanists with moral obligation, enthusiastic fellowship, and profound qualities (Damyanov). Victor contributed so much narrow minded consideration and time into his creation and never thought of the ramifications of his prosperity. As though practically observing into the future, Shelly gives us an admonition to think about the last impacts of logical investigation and test (Neal). Disregarding all ethical ramifications of his creation, Victor finishes his work. Victor never envisioned that his prosperity would make awfulness rather than delight and everlasting status. It was a horrid night in November that I observed the achievement of my works (Shelley p. 56). How might I portray my feelings at this disaster, or how depict the lowlife whom with such limitless agonies and care I had tried to frame (Shelley p. 56)? In any event, when Victor went to the acknowledgment that his achievement in making his being had become a detestation, he assumed no liability in attempting to cure his moves or make care of the animal. Victor imitated Gods activities when he made the being (Neal). He had trusted another species would favor me as its maker and source; numerous cheerful and phenomenal natures would owe their being to me (Shelly p. 52). Tragically for Victor, the specific inverse came about. Victor was dependable to his creation as a dad is to a youngster, however just attempted to get away from the animals wretchedness. The animal has been left to his own gadgets to either turn out to be a piece of society, or to live alone secluded from everything, enduring, and torment. Victor got up the day in the wake of seeing his animal spring up in a shocking structure and in finding the animal had vanished, fundamentally goes on with his life. Frankenstein doesn't assume the ethical duty of helping his deplorable creation until years after the fact when it came back to him. A long time after the animals birth, he has figured out how to talk and compose, and sets out looking for Frankenstein; his maker, his dad. He has found that no man will treat him with any poise or sympathy or love and wants to discover this from his maker. Subsequent to understanding that he can't recoup these sentiments from Frankenstein, the animal demands that Victor make another being; a female type of himself, a genuine partner. When gone up against by the animal, Victor appears to acknowledge just because the ethical ramifications of what he has done. Vomited fiend! You rebuke me with your creation; con, at that point, that I may douse the sparkle which I so carelessly gave (Shelley p. 96). The animal, likewise acknowledging how wrong Frankenstein had been in his endeavor to become God, shouts to him, How might you venture to don along these lines with life? (Shelley p.96)? Victor in the end consents to make a female ally for his animal. While dealing with her creation, Victor turns out to be increasingly familiar with

Friday, August 21, 2020

Case study on Expert Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contextual investigation on Expert Systems - Essay Example â€Å"An master framework is a data framework that holds and stores the aptitude of human specialists and afterward repeats human thinking and choice making† (Shelly, Cashman, and Vermaat, 2005, p. 729). As per (Laudon and Laudon, 1999, p. 446), a specialist framework can be characterized as information comprehensive PC program that catches the abilities or mastery of human in restricted fields of information. A specialist framework can help dynamic by making related inquiries and depicting the reasons for making unequivocal move (Laudon and Laudon, 1999). This first model includes the usage of master framework in the assembling business. In such manner Lee (2009) introduced an itemized review of another kind of framework advancement and implimentataion at US resistance office. The new innovation based master framework will be useful being developed of the new age of weapons frameworks. This master framework is planned to successfully fabricate the proposed items through giving the propelled materials and current assembling strategies. This framework is recognized as the Intelligent Processing of Materials (IPM) program (Lee, 2009). The usage of the IPM is intended to reduce the assembling use by utilizing master frameworks just as clever power over the significant advancement zones. The primary point of this framework is to be utilitarian and proficient in more prominent anxieties, higher temperatures, and harsher situations, for the explanation that new material includes every one of these elements in the general creation and advance ment. As per improvement groups, IPM program will limit the general advancement time and settle on shrewd choice. This master framework will utilize investigation just as blend instruments to shape models of the material procedures. During every one of these procedures the master framework will likewise control the in-situ sensors to screen genuine conditions of procedures. This master framework will be a remuneration of the

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Where To Find Good Essay Samples?

Where To Find Good Essay Samples?If you are looking for some essay samples, then I have some good news for you. There are plenty of them online. You just have to know where to look. Below are tips to help you find them.Online Resources - Finding great essays on the Internet is not a difficult task. Most online sources provide a large database of high school and college essays for students. These essays may have been plagiarized by someone else, so you should check before you use them in your schoolwork. You can do a search on Google or Yahoo, depending on which search engine you are using.Another advantage to using online resources is that you will get the assistance of people who are experienced writers. They will be able to help you with grammar and vocabulary problems. So if you want, you can send them a sample essay and they will proofread it and suggest changes to make it better. The downside is that the student will probably have to pay for this service.Local Libraries - Most p ublic libraries have several interesting options when it comes to writing essays. Most libraries will have copies of the well-known books on writing such as Help Writing Your Essay and How to Improve Your Essay. Other than these books, there are many other interesting books available at libraries. You can search for them online to see what they have. Some library also has a blog.Online Journals - If you are looking for essays, journals can also be a great resource. You will have to find them online. There are two main types of journals online. There are general-interest journals that have a large readership and which you can visit to read the latest trends in business, lifestyle, and life, and there are specialized journals that are devoted to topics such as learning styles, attitude, or career advice. Both of these types of journals usually require a fee for access.Newspapers - Newspapers often have great essay samples. Many papers will carry a newsletter with a variety of writing assignments each week. These may include taking part in a blog for the week or having one of their writers write an essay.Online resources are a great way to find essay samples for students. However, you should always check your essay samples for plagiarism. With so many resources available, you should be able to find plenty of great samples to choose from.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Politics Us, Realism, And Terrorism - 3539 Words

Politics: US, Realism, Terrorism To what extent has the United States’ structural realism (Neorealist) approach to terrorism jeopardized its status as a democratic nation? Shehryar Malik Abstract Introduction Post September 11, 2001, the world politics has shifted dramatically. Primarily, the target of the world powers has been to eliminate the terrorist threat to the stability and the infrastructure of the world. United State of America (US) has been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. It has adopted a Pro-Democratic foreign policy, as President Bush stated in 2003, â€Å"[The invasion of Iraq is] to change the Middle East so as to deny support for militant Islam by pressuring or transforming the nations and transnational systems that support it.† In addition to the pro-democratic foreign policy, US has adopted a realist mindset, more specifically, a neo-realistic mindset. US has argued that its counterterrorism policies are just and fair. In the Country Report on Terrorism, US’s Bureau of Counterterrorism states that, â€Å"building the capacity of partner nation security forces to address threats within their own borders and participate in regional counterterrorism operations; and strengthening relationships with U.S. partners around the world to make the rule of law a critical part of a broader, more comprehensive counterterrorism enterprise.† In addition, the White House explains that its first priority when it encounters terrorist is to captureShow MoreRelatedWhy Realism Fails Counterinsurgency?1417 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Realism Fails Counterinsurgency Introduction: As seen through US policymakers, realism fails counterinsurgency Definitions: Relevant to realism, fail has three definitions: To lack prevention, to lack aim of root causes, and to lack efficiency upon trial. Realism does not prevent future insurgency acts Realism does not prevent future insurgency acts as there has been an increase in the magnitude of threat and the use of the traditional framework around war. First, a notable politicalRead MoreIdealism, Realism, And Marxism1559 Words   |  7 PagesWhat do the theories we have looked at to this point (idealism, realism, Marxism) tell us about the prospects, and necessary conditions, for cooperation in international politics? International politics have been in our nation since the beginning of time. Nations have tried to work together and international politics have given many tries a cooperation. In today’s world conflict is always occurring. Many different world issues pop up every single day. Through looking at international relations andRead MoreEssay on Strength and Weaknesses of Classical Realism1037 Words   |  5 PagesClassical Realism, with its implication that humans are intrinsically evil, is often characterized as a pessimistic analysis of human nature. While this characterization is undeniably true, Classical Realism should not be reduced to merely a cynical view of politics. Philosophically, Classical Realism is the epitome of the modern philosophical departure from ancient Greek philosophy, especially under Aristotle who contends that human nature is a â€Å"tabula rasa.† As our worldview changes, so do ourRead MoreRealism Is The Most Convincing Paradigm For International Relations? Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesWOULD YOU AGREE THAT REALISM IS THE MOST CONVINCING PARADIGM FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? WHAT ARE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF REALISM AS A THEORY FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? Realism has dominated international relations theory since emerging in the 1930’s. The era of state conflict lasting from the 1930’s to the end of the cold war in 1947, proved the perfect hostile environment to fit the largely pessimistic view of world politics. While many aspects of realism are still alive in InternationalRead MoreThe Realist Theory Of International Relations1545 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough Libya’s rich resources. Realism theory On the realist theory of International Relations, the basic assumption of this theory is that states in their foreign affairs, must pursue power, and ensure that they act rationally with the most appropriate step that will be taken to perpetuate the life of the state in a hostile and threatening environment. A key principle of realist theory is that of survival and it could be argued that in the domestic politics governments create and enforce lawsRead Moreâ€Å"Clash of Civilizations† Essay examples980 Words   |  4 PagesRealism is the contrast of the Idealist conception that society can change on the foundation of an idea. The â€Å"Clash of Civilizations† by Samuel Huntington is a brilliant illustration that exhibits the power of ideas that has vastly influenced both foreign policies of countries, but also the discipline of International Relations. Samuel Huntingtons â€Å"the clash of civilizations,† is based on the hypothesis: â€Å"In the post-Cold War world the most important distinctions among people are not ideologicalRead MoreThe Classical Realism And Constructivist Theory2245 Words   |  9 Pages Terrorism has many forms. Though society knows many of its vicious faces, little does the world acknowledge that these terror-spurred events are often encouraged and sponsored through the politics of well-known nations. I will be applying both the classical realism and constructivist theory to highlight ways in which the constructivist perspective better addresses state-sponsored terrorism’s effect on global relations. Classical realism focuses on the interactions of state players. There are threeRead MoreChallenges of Realism816 Words   |  3 Pagesup a country, such as the past of Germany. The blindly pursuit of power may lead to some unforeseeable consequences, such as wars or terrorism. Realism often meets some challenges especially in the issue of September 11 and the end of cold war. In the following essay, it is divided into three major parts. Firstly, I will illustrate the background information of realism in international relationship. Secondly, I will talk about the situation of September 11 and the end of cold war separately. At lastRead MoreU.s. Foreign Policy Approaches1424 Words   |  6 PagesThe United States (U.S.) uses two approaches to their foreign policy. The first approach is realism. This viewpoint stresses that the principal actors, states, will pursue their own interests in an anarchical world. States will try to establish a balance of power that restrains aggressive sta tes from dominating weaker ones. The second approach is idealism. This view stresses that states should transform the system into a new international order where peace can prevail. This approach emphases theRead MoreCritical Essay on A Nuclear Armed Iran: A Difficult but not Impossible Policy Problem1257 Words   |  6 PagesStates. Based on this situation, the ruling party in the U.S. tends to take decisive approach to ensure that their national interest will remain secure. They will analyze all possibilities and usually take prediction which is based on the nature of Realism Perspective. Therefore, many assumptions may ignore the possibility of goodwill from other countries. The key point in Posen’s paper is the failure of the U.S. to negotiate with Iran to stop their nuclear program. The next step that the U.S. should

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technology, Blessing Or Curse Beyond The Age Of Consumerism

Week 4 Title: 1: Group’s project assignment: Introduction to International Aid: 2: Project Plan topic proposal, Technology, Blessing or Curse Beyond the age of Consumerism. 1: Introduction to International Aid: International aid is an act of good favour which one country gives support and reinforcements to foreign countries. The purpose and goal is to include economic development, increasing government accountability, improved healthcare, proper sanitation water, education and creditability. Such international aid also includes extra support to natural disasters and crises. These free flows of aid from those countries are critical for many struggling nations. As for today’s context, global poverty poses a challenge to the security, wealth, and morals of Australia. Currently, nearly 40% of the world s population, approximately 2.7 billion people live in poverty, struggling to survive on less than $2 per day. The Australian Government’s aid program has been put in place to promote it’s national interests through committing towards the economic development and to prevent a nation from poverty. The aid program will contribute to Australia’s broader economic diplomacy efforts to deliver greater prosperity for Australia, our region, and globally. The Government is devoted to an effective and organised aid program with a strong culture of performance and accountability. Therefore, through a stronger prominence on encouraging economic growth; such as the private sectorShow MoreRelated8 stages of social development6628 Words   |  27 Pagesa motive that drives the social change and essential preconditions for that change to occur. The motive must be powerful enough to overcome obstructions that impede that change from occurring. Development also requires resources such as capital, technology, and supporting infrastructure. Development is the result of societys capacity to organize human energies and productive resources to meet challenges and opportunities. Society passes through well-defined stages in the course of its development

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Processes Supported by a Supply Chain Management Information

Questions: 1. Briefly describe the business processes supported by a Supply Chain Management (SCM) information system. In a global business like Emerson what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a SCM information system? With Emersons many divisions using different suppliers, what would be the benefits of using a single SCM information system for all of its divisions? 2. Global companies like Emerson have suppliers, manufacturing, distribution, and retail operations. List and briefly describe the technologies and devices (used for input, output, and communication) that are used with SCM information systems. Choose two different input devices and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Discuss the benefits that they provide to the business? 3. Consider that you have to implement a new SCM information system for Emerson. Describe each of the different implementation options. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different implementation options. Make a recommendation and justify? 4. Modern SCM information systems and with the use of other technologies have supported businesses in improving environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions. Research and find an example. Briefly describe the system and how it works and how carbon emissions where reduced. Discuss what decision making is performed and how does the SCM information system contribute to the decision making. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to the business? Answers: 1) Supply chain management is said to support several processes like that of inventory management, order management, logistics, procurement, forecasting as well as planning, and that of return management. This is helpful for the companies operating in the current business environment to achieve as well as maintain competitive edge by enhancing their streamline as well as facilitating all operations (Special Topic Forum on Resources and Supply Chain Management, 2013). A firm may maximize cost effectiveness, enhance productivity, and provide them with increased competences in the most competitive business environment. For modern business firms like that of the Emerson, supply chain management may prove to be immensely beneficial in numerous ways. It provides the business with a competitive advantage within the marketplace that helps in mitigating the risks related to the acquiring of raw materials as well as deliver of products or services (Bhakoo and Chan, 2011). With successful implementation of supply chain management system, the firm may reduce waste, shipping delays, and even overhead costs greatly. Some of the advantages of supply chain management upon the business firm may be enlisted as: quality assurance where the firm may improve its operation by means of effective quality techniques; inventory buffers where the supply chain management system include the level of the inventory buffer with care analysis of previous trends (Sparling, 2002). Often the concept of variability within customer spending demands for management of inventories in way which minimizes initial holding cost during gene rating adequate flexibility to satisfy client demands. Another advantage the system may render is risk mitigation. The system helps in organizing risks as well as assessing the potential for various failures whether internal or external. Without such a system, this mentioned firm may suffer from legal risks as well as liabilities. Implementation of such a supply chain management system bears some disadvantages as well. The most concerning demerit is that of the heavy investment of finance, resources, and time that are required to implement as well as maintain the system (Shaikh, 2014). The decision of outsourcing of a product or service reduces the expense of business of a firm by means of supply chain management, but it can result in customer backlash. It is not enough just to consider price as well as quality, but a firm needs to make sure that every organization cooperates for benefiting the firm. Emerson is a huge company and it has several divisions having different suppliers. If it uses a single supply chain management system for all its divisions, then the advantage is that there would be single effective information source where information would be stored in a proper manner without any commotion (Khorheh, Eslami and Davarzani, 2012). This would give the higher authority an effective control over all operations of the firm. 2) Some of the associated technologies with that of the supply chain management are Electronic Data Interchange, Workstation Collaboration, and Portals. The basic foundation for supplier collaboration refers to the capability of communication in an effective manner with all individuals as well as organizations that provide the firm with raw materials for manufacturing final products or services (Scholten, Sharkey Scott and Fynes, 2014). With increasing technological advancements within business environment, the demand for computer technologies have gone up that supports communication. Supply chain management is dependent upon the real time data flows at various levels for ensuring optimum decision process effectiveness as well as customer satisfaction. Communication at various levels at the same time needs a thorough understanding of all required decisions by specific authorities. Software programs as well as cloud computing are useful in tracking materials as well as products with real time status updates. Computerized shipping as well as tracking, and that of electronic invoicing are integrated elements of a latest supply chain management system which is designed for keeping clients contented (Priem and Swink, 2012). It is important to involve product design coordination, creating information technological infrastructure for supporting various related operations by aligning effective strategies to enhance partnerships with suppliers. Besides, regular distribution planning is important to ensure thorough implementing steps have been followed. With successful implementation of supply chain management system, the firm may reduce waste, shipping delays, and even overhead costs greatly. Some of the advantages of supply chain management upon the business firm may be enlisted as: quality assurance where the firm may improve its operation by means of effective quali ty techniques; inventory buffers where the supply chain management system include the level of the inventory buffer with care analysis of previous trends. 3) There are various methods of implementation of supply chain management that are worth mentioning. These include: Assessing supply chain opportunities, customer service strategy, transaction survey, value chain mapping, communication, and train for change. Each of these ways has its own merits and demerits. The ultimate basis to implement supply chain management system is to impart greater visibility of the supply chain process along with integrated parts. The utilization of this system gives an innovate strategy of doing business. When key objectives, project plans, and deliverables have been analyzed, the implementation process can be structured in four different phases (Special Topic Forum on Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues, 2013). These are build phase, test phase, training phase, and documentation phase. With successful implementation of supply chain management system, the firm may reduce waste, shipping delays, and even overhead costs greatly. Some of the advantages of supply chain management upon the business firm may be enlisted as: quality assurance where the firm may improve its operation by means of effective quality techniques; inventory buffers where the supply chain management system include the level of the inventory buffer with care analysis of previous trends. For best recommended option for implementation of supply chain management, some of the key steps are: firstly to ensure that there is availability of potential partners within the process. This SCM concept is based on the idea of increased supply chain partners and reduced control. Hence lot of trust as well as collaboration is required for shifting the inventory in an effective manner. Secondly, constant follow up is necessary. This would keep one updated about the system so as to incorporate positive changes and control within it. Thirdly, the business need not be looked from internal view but from the external source. A business firm must perceive its internal processes from the perspective of customers. Lastly, all strategic, operational, and tactical aspects of the SCM must be considered. It is important to involve product design coordination, creating information technological infrastructure for supporting various related operations by aligning effective strategies to enhance p artnerships with suppliers. Besides, regular distribution planning is important to ensure thorough implementing steps have been followed. For ensuring all key stakeholders agree to the implementation plans, it is important for the project charter to be reviewed in detail as well as updated. A significant decision is the responsibilities of the application software vendor. He must provide consulting experts to assit the implementation.4) Since environment concerned consumers continue to buy power for driving markets sustainably, increased number of business firms are now recognizing the increasing awareness to conduct business the most desirable yet competitive manner. An instance can be given that of Unilever and Walmart. Unilever aims at linking its product line to sustainability efforts directly which promote an increasingly healthy relationship with that of the environment as well as enhancing the communities that are normally affected by its supply chain (Lillrank, Groop and Venesmaa, 2011). On the other hand, Walmart aims are quite lofty along with several growing pains within the process. One of the greatest chal lenges of the company is that it needs to have a standardized manner of reporting as well as organizing data like waste management by means of network of stores. The company has been working on developing more effective tracking systems for monitoring sustainability associated objectives of supply chain that includes several retailers worldwide. Supply chain management is dependent upon the real time data flows at various levels for ensuring optimum decision process effectiveness as well as customer satisfaction. Communication at various levels at the same time needs a thorough understanding of all required decisions by specific authorities. There are three sequenced levels of process of decision-making which are normally defined as per the planning time, strategic, operational, and tactical aspects. The strategic level, a firm sets objectives which are consistent with high level mission statement and also set strategies for achieving every objective. At this level, high level analysis is done upon how the company, business processes fit into the overall supply network (Mistry, 2005). At the tactical level, planning of supplies, forecast of demands, manufacture schedule are incorporated for ensuring effective operation of the supply chain. At the operational level, daily basis operations are managed along with short term sup ply chain decisions. Some instances are routing, scheduling, truck loading, etc.